Saturday, May 17, 2008

Kenya - April 11th, 2008

Click link for photos: (I am looking for a better link but this will have to do for now)

Lake Nakuru, Morning Game Drive

A quick cup of coffee and we are off.

We see Giraffes, water buffalo, waterbucks, impalas, warthogs, Vervet monkeys, baboons, birds, birds and more birds. The monkeys and baboons have a lot of young and appear to be reproducing with great enthusiasm.

A zebra with a foal keeps an eye on us. The highlight of the day – we spot two lionesses on the side of a hill with a partially eaten warthog. One of the lions was carrying the carcass up the hill towards the only shade tree in the area. She would stop and drop the kill and rest for a few minutes. Two black back jackals were nearby waiting for an opportunity to salvage part of the kill. The lion rested, picked up the warthog and continued to slowly walk up the hill. Her belly was full. The other lioness did not share in the transport duty. It was an exhilarating sighting.

Back to the lodge for breakfast. Our driver was going into town for some vehicle maintenance and to pick up the cash for Kim. He offered to pick up supplies. We accepted and bucked up for wine and beer.

At some point in our travels our driver was having a conversation on his cell phone in Swahili. The only words that I could pick out were auto parts to include “Timing Belt.”

I am remiss in not learning some Swahili before the trip. I assumed that English would be the primary language since Kenya was a British Colony until 1963.

“English and Swahili are the official languages of Kenya and are thought in schools throughout the country.” Lonely Planet, Kenya, page 395.

Harrison made it back with Tuskers, wine and cash. Life is good.

Afternoon game drive – It was raining so we left the bonnet down.

We saw a white tailed mongoose. He saw us and did not stick around for a picture.

The water buffalo and zebra were a little jumpy. I think the rain muffled the sound of the van and we startled them.

Another fish eagle was on a branch surveying his domain.

We made it back to Lake Nakuru and had a better sighting of some pink flamingos and greater flamingos. We drive up to the scenic overlook Baboon Cliff. There is a covered pavilion with some picnic tables. It was raining so we did not wander off to far. Many baboons watched our every move.

Back in the valley we see a water buffalo carcass. I am surprise at how intact the skeleton is. A pair of rhino are grazing.
Two black back jackals trot by. More to come..